Monday, October 4, 2010

System Rescue Live USB (Kaspersky Bitdefender) 2010

As you all know, most of the rescue disk brands are based on Linux Live CD format and is designed so that users can use easily. In the Windows environment emulator, not really any environment perfectly. Therefore, the Linux environment is still "mobile" and is a safe option, smart.
To create a disk (floppy or CD) to boot Linux, you need to write the Linux kernel (Linux kernel) on sector 0 of the disk, or use programs such as LILO bootloader, GRUB to read the Linux kernel into memory. With record straight on the Linux kernel using LILO or sector 0, then we need to do some things like copy the Linux kernel, then do the ramdisk word, and finally copy the root filesystem on the disc.

Syslinux bootloader and a utility program helps us do all the work on a simple way with just one command line. Creating a bootable CD is also much simpler to use syslinux. Syslinux is used in many Linux systems on floppy disk popularity, as well as in the Linux distribution (like Fedora Core installation disc). If you boot a Linux system from a floppy or CD that you see the words first appeared syslinux (for floppy) or isolinux (with CD), it means that the system uses syslinux as bootloader. Also can use syslinux for booting network - LAN boot to boot image files like Hiren's boot, ... (Called PXELINUX - Romantic hotel that had a fairly detailed tutorial.)

To create a Linux boot disk using syslinux as bootloader, Linux kernel file should be prepared (bzImage file is obtained when compiling the kernel with make bzImage command, often called bzImage, vmlinuz or a file ...), kernel.bzi contains the root filesystem (usually compressed and named initrd.gz), a configuration file in which to tell syslinux bootloader file names of the Linux kernel and root filesystem. Of course the program also need to install syslinux bootloader or mkisofs program to create CD image. These two programs are often embedded in many Linux systems (like Fedora Core or RedHat). When this file is a full 3 can use syslinux to boot.
In fact, the work that the Live CD Manufacturers Anti-virus Rescue Disk has been made available, and we only use them only.

This article, for the most simple, Lang customers continue to use the GRUB bootloader syslinux call (in the previous article is to introduce how to create a Kaspersky Rescue Disk), to create a simple environment, best for rescue disk. Also, with high ability to customize, you will find it very easy to make, easy to implement.

Lang will guide you to create a bootable USB can easily, incorporating the most famous AV, capable of Internet connectivity via USB, capable of updating, quick boot (on Environmental USB), scan and get a good drive).

Also, depending on the integrated tools available, such as with BitDefender Live USB, the longer you ... freedom while surfing the net ... wait a scan.

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